Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Husband

So JJ did the last post and there is some confusion on what is going on since I have not said anything about the air force. He did NOT sign his life away Yet! He is taking some air force classes now so that when he graduates he will an officer if that is the way he decides to go. But he does get a uniform and has to go to physical training at least twice a week. The pictures he posted were from a "field trip" He was so excited when he came home it was awesome! I am pretty excited it sounds like a good thing for him to do.

Another story about the life with JJ.

So on Wednesday I always do laundry. (if I have a set day to do it it actually gets done more)anyway, I reminded JJ that it was laundry day and he said ok can you please check the pockets before you wash things. (I have washed alot of stuff that he puts in his pockets and forgets about it... a red crayon in the whites no less... my Ipod Shuffle...... .Not good!) SO I say sure I will. SO he leaves for school and I go in the laundry room and the first thing I see is this..........

It made me laugh so hard. IT says (if you can not read it all)

"Please check the Pockets

Thanks Management

haha Just kidding "
IF you see this guy on the road WATCH OUT!!
This is JJ's new scooter.


The Royal Family said...

thanks for the clarification! :) Fun stuff!
Also I have checked pockets like twice in my life... I am blessed that Chris empty's his pockets before he takes his clothes off... so I would have washed all those things too LOL
I think he learned to do this after he washed his cell phone two years ago.

Mason clan 5 said...

WOW- JJ LOOKS GOOD IN A UNIFORM. Thanks for the info even though i could wait for the post and had to call ya. Be careful on those scooters I am sure they are no fun in the rain... hahaha

Alaina said...

I'm not sure which is scarier. JJ in a uniform or on a scooter :)

It's so nice to see you guys are doing well. We miss ya, lainer

Melissa & DJ said...

Come on Joane, be a military wife like me. You can come stay with me while he does basic training!

The Royal Family said...

so it isn't Aug anymore update already! lets see those Crayon rolls?!?!?!