Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Portrait Style

My Best Friend Brandy took these Pictures for me while we were in UT. I hope she forgives me for not posting them sooner. These are just some of the pictures. Go to her website to see more of her Pictures. This is Brandy's little girl giving Conner his first kiss not from a relative.. haha


Reagan Family said...

Those are so cute! I love the one where he is sleeping on his arm. and the one of his little toes! so precious. How are you guys doing? How is your husband doing? Your kids are darling, hope you are well!

The Royal Family said...

Love the update, the top pic is so sweet, and cute background.! thanks for posting these... no i'm not mad you never have to post them if you dont want. I need more infant practice... :) If this CHILD would get here that would help LOL

p.s. I am still waiting fora pic with both boys.

Elizabeth said...

You know, you can totally tell that your boys are brothers just on looks. I think that's a good thing...