Friday, March 12, 2010

John David Turns 2

My baby is now 2 and here are some facts about him that I would like to remember.

*He learns a new word almost everyday.

*He makes sure I do not forget the baby.

*he calls Conner "nonner" and "baby"

*if you ask him which one he wants he will point at both and talk and then you just have to say this one? and if he says ok that is the one he wants.

* everything is YELLOW

* he loves his cars

* when we watch a movie he needs a pillow (we have to watch movies on our bed. the DVD player in front room won't work)

*He knows how to sing twinkle twinkle little star.

*I asked him to sing to conner and he started sing (Pickle pickle pickle) it is a song JJ made up it changes everytime but the main thing is pickles.

*he knows what a Star is and can pick them out.

*He knows when colors don't match and will move them around until they do.

* he tells us to stop if he doesn't want us to sing

*He loves to hide!!

*He loves Trains Buses and big Trucks, He has to see the Garbage Truck when it comes. Can we say ALL Boy!

*He is starting to say phrases like : it hurts, we're in here, where is it?

*he reminds us to say a pray(even if we have already said it)

*Eveyone Loves his hair!!

*Loves to dances!

*He says Get up to daddy in the morning

*He copies daddy.

*He will go to time out if we tell him to and stays there.

* He still eats fruit like it is going out of style! He now ask for Strawberrys and apples and bannana.

*Loves to make conner Laugh.


Jessica Bybee said...

I love John David! He is such a cutie!!!

Melissa & DJ said...

Cute list! Time for a girl now? Just kidding. Wish you were closer.

grandma north said...

I cant believe it been two yr. it seem like yesterday. love that boy miss you guys.

The Royal Family said...

Happy birthday!!!! Seriously i'm a slacker!!!
they grow too fast... I remember when everything was yellow We had that happen too LOL