Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Conner James Maxwell Loden

CJ is doing great... He diffently set the bar high @ 8lb13oz Thank-you for everyones love amd support. (Unedited Version)

The Loden's Familys


Annalie said...

Congratulations to the new family of four!

The Royal Family said...


Jessica Bybee said...

so cute!!!

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations!!!! Wonderful, fabulous, marvelous!!!! So very happy for the both of you!

Unknown said...

Wow, I can't believe how much he already looks like JD in that bottom picture! Post the detailed version sometime..did you get induced? Go into labor? How long was labor? I love knowing all those details. :) Is your mom here yet? I'm glad JJ was able to be there before he leaves for field training! Miss you guys!

mcdaniel said...

Can't wait to see him in a couple of weeks.