Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wow Baby!

This was the first time that JD met Conner.We miss Daddy!! I wish there was a kiddie Kandids in AL. I was just walking by and they talked me into getting the pics done to get a free picture. I did end up buying them(sneaky people) but Who couldn't buy them they are so cute!!
Hanging our with Uncle Gordon

Grandpa and Me are best buds! JD cries when he leaves to go to work.

Jd did not like the noisy 4 wheeler that much and now will run away if you start it.

Cousin Carson getting loves from JD.

Playing Tractors with Conner

Grandma B made this BEAUTIFUL Blanket for Conner. (JD wanted it as soon as it was out of the package!!)
At 2 weeks Conner weighed 10 LBs He is growing so fast!!


Reagan Family said...

Your little boys are so handsome! You are going to love having two boys, I promise. :) hope you guys are hanging in there!

Jessica Bybee said...

So so so cute! John David is looking so big! Conner is darling! Thanks for new pics! So fun!

Mason clan 5 said...

So cute! I can't wait to see your boys. I love the pictures. I want to get some cute new born pics with this one.

Caroline said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures! Thank you for posting them! Are you out of town? Looks like you are handling the two babies great!

The Royal Family said...

so so so so cute! Did you get me a KK photo? I am so jealous they are amazing! Was it the South Towne store? or where?
I love and hate that store!!!

Cant' wait to see you in person and have my computer back so I can copy these pics!

Talk soon,

Orton Family said...

Oh what fun pictures of your cute boys!!! I am so glad you are having so much fun with them! We love you! Love Tanya

Elizabeth said...

LOVE the pictures!!!