Wednesday, February 27, 2008

1 Week old!

It is Crazy how fast time flys when you are having fun!! I love my little guy!! He so sweet. We have had some Belly Ruben problems this week but today it finally went down! yeah I am so happy that they don't have to make my baby bleed anymore! It was so sad I cried! Here are some more pictures from this week!


Melissa & DJ said...

I know that outfit, thanks for showing that pic. I love it!! He is so cute!!!!
How are you feeling?
I'm really so calling you tommorrow !!

The Royal Family said...

oh how incred`iable cute! is that outfit from melissa then? CUTE! Also i must say those blankies are cute cute cute... I love the sleeping photo of the boys so fun... and yes time does fly...
how are things going?
hi mama north!

Christina said...

He is such a cutie! I can't wait to come back up there for his blessing! We had fun with you guys last weekend! :)

Jeni said...

I'm glad the levels went down...sorry for that SUPER RICH potatoes and ham dish the other night. I was thinking as we were eating for our dinner after I dropped yours off, "I can't believe I just took this to someone else." I'll reedem myself someday, and I'll come to pick up those dishes and see the little man on Sun. Remember what I said about that baby in bed with you..if you're not careful, he'll stay there like mine did! :)

Jessica Anderson said...

Hey you guys! Just found your blog on here! Your baby is so cute, I can't wait to see him in REAL LIFE!!

Melissa & DJ said...

OK, more pics now. Incldue mommy in some huh1!!!

The Royal Family said...

HA HA good i'm not the only one buggin her for photos... Good job Melissa!