So those of you that visit my blog often, know that I am not a writer. but tonight, for some reason I feel like I need to write. My heart is very full. I am so thankful for everything that I have and have been blessed with. My son is such a huge blessing in my life and I Love him so much each day. I started a book tonight that is called "Dancing in the light" If any of you have read it will know why my heart is so full. I am only on chapter 6 and I have cried at least once in every chapter. It starts out with a man coming home from the hospital where his wife just had a baby girl. Everything is perfect but he has this feeling that it is not going to last. well two weeks later his wife dies. I personally have not had to deal with death on a very close level (besides my great grandma and she was almost 100 and time to go) I am so grateful for that. I am not sure how well I will deal with it when the time comes. I am grateful for the knowledge that we have of the after life and what will happen to each of us. I am so grateful for the knowledge that we will and can be together forever no matter what happens in this life. I am so thankful for my marriage in the temple, and for the temple so close to us.
My selfishness is regarding my son. My son is 4 months old this month, and it seems to me that quite a few people are asking if I have started him on rice cereal yet. (I am sure it has only been a few though but with all the mailings I have got on it lately it feels like alot) Just tonight I have really started to feel selfish in not doing so but I am going to stay selfish for awhile. I have really enjoyed breast feeding and do not want that connection to end. I told JJ about it and he asked jokingly if I was going to breast feed until he was three. Obviously I am not going to but I just feel like he is growing up so fast and I want to stop it. It is funny I did not think that I would ever Not want to stop breast feeding, I thought it would be a pleasure to stop. I believe that as long as I am breastfeeding I am the only one that can take care of my son. (this is where I sound really selfish.)I think JJ wants to feed him but I am not ready to let go of that responsibility yet. I am sorry honey but you will have to wait for another month or two.
My heart goes out to all of those who are trying to have kids. I understand that we all have different trials in our lives and I want you all to know that I love and support you and want you to be able to cry on my shoulder if needed. I know that God has a plan for each of his children and some of you might have children just not in the way you expect them. (I am not really sure why I wrote this I have erased it like three times but it keeps coming up so I guess it is supposed to be here.) If I ever offend or step over my bound please let me know. if I don't know about it I can not fix it.
Well I feel alot better now that I have written this all down I can probably go to sleep.
I think you are very wise. It is better for John David to wait until he is closer to 6 months to have cereal as long as he is gaining weight fine! Breast feeding is a crazy thing--- glad and sad when it is over. Although, I also agree with JJ-- once they are pulling at your shirt, that is time to think about quitting-- around 1 year or so. You are a great mom!!!
MAke me cry! I completely understand the feeling to continue nursing I had a really hard time when I thought Adlanna had to be on formula. I also love to nurse it is wonderful and nothing can replace the feeling and bonding. You might change your mind when he bites you... ha ha ha but no, really you are not selfish, we all love you and this post is a perfect reason why you are my best friend and sister! :) p.s. Adlanna didn't start cereal until 6mo. and she is just fine. :)
Yes dont let anybody pressure you, there is no "right" age for this stuff it is all in what works for you and your baby
sweet post. I think i'll look into that book and maybe start reading it. I've gotten into this whole "reading" thing since twilight opened my eyes to books.
But we all know my take on breastfeeding. =) But i'll re-share it with you anyways. Just so you know, babies don't even need to eat rice cereal or baby food till their a year old. IF you continued to nurse, your baby would get all the nutrients he needs. Back in the day when they didn't make "baby food". Babies lived off the boob, cause that's what their there for. We didn't start feeding Nixon Rice Cereal (which he never liked so never ate it) or baby foods till he was like 7-9 months, and even then he breastfed as his main meal because that's what gave him the real nutrients and brain power he needs to grow healthy. Yeah there's a point where it's time to stop... But the Pediatrics Association says that you should actually nurse your child till their 2 years old. Their less likely to get illnesses, food allergies, and any of the diseases everyone pumps their kids with, with shots. So really, your baby doesnt need that rice cereal, it seems really early to me to start at 4 months. It's just because socieity (especally in Alabama) looks down on nursing to long... when it's the best thing for your baby.
But when you do decide to give him the baby food, you can still breast feed him as much as you want. So you AND JJ are able to have the experiance together. Cause he still needs what your body has to give him. So it's what you want to do and what you feel like your baby needs. Your the most in tune with him out of anyone.
Good for you!! We waited almost 6 months to start rice cereal, adn at one year I am still breastfeeding. I love it too. Although we are started to take it away, she has seven very strong teeth!!:)
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